Kako postati i raditi kao SEO Content Writer (sa Jovanom Mitić)

Ovo intervju kafenisanje proteklo je u baš prijatnom ćaskanju sa koleginicom Jovanom Mitić koja radi kao SEO Content Writer za španski jezik.
Jovana je filolog, dugogodišnja profesorka ruskog i španskog jezika, a i SEO Content Writer koji svoje usluge nudi širom sveta.
Autorka je bloga „Od sna do ostvarene ideje“ na kome piše na teme: ličnog razvoja, edukacije, putovanja, a i intervjuiše zanimljive ljude iz različitih sfera poslovanja.
Jovana voli da putuje i upoznaje nove kulture, a odgovarala mi je na pitanja:

– Kako se rodila ljubav prema stranim jezicima i da li je imala neke uzore u porodici ili okruženju koji su uticali na njen odabir profesije?
– Kako se odlučila baš za ruski i španski jezik i šta ju je posebno impresioniralo kod te dve različite kulture?
– Kažu da u pasioniranim čitačima knjiga leže još neotkriveni pisci, pa kako se odlučila da svoje pisanje predstavi u blogu?
– Content Writing, CopyWriting, SEO Content Writing jesu vrste pisanja, ali su usmerene ka marketingu i prodaji. Kako je zapravo počela da se bavi SEO Content Writing-om?
– Govorno područje i jezik na kome piše je španski. Koja su njena dosadašnja iskustva u saradnji sa njima?
– Voli da putuje i da upoznaješ nove kulture. Koja zemlja je na nju ostavila najjači utisak i zašto?
– Koje osobe su joj do sada najviše pomogle na putu ličnog i profesionalnog razvoja i zašto?
– Šta bi poručila ljudima koji žele da započnu karijeri SEO Content Writer-a? Gde da se edukuju? Kako da pronađu klijente? Kako da se dodatno usavršavaju?

BLOG Jovane Mitić: https://jovanamitic.com/
Instagram profil Jovane Mitić: https://www.instagram.com/jovanamiticblog/
Istragram stranica za učenje španskog jezika sa Jovanom: https://www.instagram.com/espanol_con_jovana/

Hvala na još jednom online kafenisanju!

Zašto vam je važna optimizacija sajta ili reč – dve o SEO

Na ovu temu nisam baš puno govorila u dosadašnjim epizodama, pa mislim da je dobro da kažem reč-dve o tome. SEO je neodvojivi deo vašeg prisustva na netu, vašeg sajta, vaših tekstova, svega…Meni je pomoglo poznavanje SEO-a naročito na počecima kada nisam imala novca za kampanje, a danas je nešto što smatram nezamenljiviom marketinškom praksom i odličnom tehnikom da na prirodan/organski način, korak po korak, lagano, povećate vidljivost svog rada na netu.

Hvala na još jednom online kafenisanju!

Kako da u 7 koraka efikasno optimizujete svoj blog post

Kako da u 7 koraka efikasno optimizujete svoj blog post

Ako već pišete blog za sebe ili klijente, onda sigurno znate koliko je on važan za svaki biznis. Ne moram posebno da vam naglašavam da se njime informiše i edukuje zaiteresovna publika, kao i da se osvežava sadržaj na sajtu. Ali, koliko znate o važnosti optimizacije svakog blog posta i to kako da ga učinite vidljivijim u pretraživaču? Kako da vas publika brže pronađe uz pomoć otkucanih ključnih reči na Googleu? (више…)

System Recommendations – Building Your Website

System Recommendations – Building Your Website

I check the leading website creators and store builders available on the market for their overall performance.

Below you can find my list of service providers and platforms to create a beautiful website.

# 1 WordPress

WordPress is an online, open-source, website creation tool which I use for about 4 years. It’s a most popular website creation platform with a bigger learning curve but once you know it, you’ll love it. Also, it’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today. Most of the WordPress themes are compatible with mobile devices and some of them are free but some of them you should pay for.

# 2 Squarespace

Squarespace is another one website creation platform with beautiful templates. Building beautiful websites shouldn’t have to be hard with this popular platform.

It offers a diverse range of website designs for different businesses and industries. All the templates are compatible with mobile devices as well and contain high-resolution images and graphics to add further color to your website. Squarespace is a paid application but you can also use its free trial with limited options.

# 3 Wix

Wix is primarily a paid website creation tool but does offer a limited number of features in its free version as well. It’s simple and unique template designs, making it a great way to create eye-catching websites with simple website navigation.

# 4 Weebly

This website platform is also very popular because every template and website design created using Weebly is compatible with mobile devices. You can create websites with Weebly using either your own domain name or a Weebly subdomain.

# 5 SITE123

SITE123 is a perfect solution for a private or a corporate Internet user, offering tools that would spare you of any prior design and coding experience and let you handle it without hiring a professional, also you can start with the free or paid version.

The advanced website platform is ready-made styles and layouts. You should only upload your content, while SITE123 taking care of all the rest, helping you come up with a totally responsive, website SEO, fully adapted to all kinds of devices and screen resolutions.

# 6 Web.com

Web.com has a bigger learning curve. With web.com you can easily create your blog or website getting a free domain name with numerous design templates.

#7 BigCommerce

BigCommerce is a great platform for creating beautiful eCommerce websites with off-the-shelf responsive templates featuring plenty of selling options. BigCommerce has a free trial. Its storefront editor enables you to change your site’s look without coding, while you can also go completely custom using HTML, CSS and other code libraries.

# 8 Shopify

If the website you need to build is an online store, Shopify is a good choice for you. It powers over 325,000 online shops and the pricing plans and features.

There are lots of templates and themes but if you think you might need something more advanced in the future, it’s easy to find an expert to help you. Start with a free trial or find the most convenient monthly package.

# 9 Silex

Silex is the free and open-source, which can be used entirely within the browser and works with you, whatever your skill level. There’s a friendly WYSWIG editor drag and drop interface that you can use to put everything together, with all your changes visible immediately. It’s perfect for building Landing pages and static websites.

With plenty of templates and widgets, both free and paid, to choose for and built-in SEO it’s perfect for small businesses. You should know that Silex won’t host your site.

# 10 Jimdo

If you want to create a website for free with basic options, try with Jimdo. All of its plans offer everything you need to create a good-looking HTML5-powered website, including templates, photo galleries, Google Maps integration, video galleries, social media links and much more… it’s easy to put everything together.

# 11 Webflow

Webflow is a truly simple website creation platform that gives everyone the power to build their perfect website, suited to small businesses, designers, creative professionals, and entrepreneurs. It’s a web design tool, CMS and hosting platform – all in one. You can try with a free trial package.

# 12 BuilderEngine

BuilderEngine is an innovative and flexible platform capable of creating any type of website, giving you the ability to create complex websites very fast with using mobile responsive themes and free updates. it’s perfect for eCommerce websites.

Users can get started with a free trial package, complete with template themes and hosting, then choose add-ons from their constantly updating collections of apps. If you ever get stuck you can also find one-to-one support by using their forums and Ticket Support Systems.

# 13 IM Creator

IM Creator hosts a huge library of stunning website templates. It’s a responsive and friendly website builder, perfect for blogging and eCommerce websites.

You can start using the IM Creator immediately after registering for free.

# 14 Dunked

Dunked provides responsive designs that are Retina-ready and allow you to create a perfect online portfolio and showcase without any coding difficulties. Also, you can choose from a growing collection of professionally designed templates, customizable and easy to use.

# 15 PrestaShop

French startup PrestaShop has an open-source eCommerce website builder with a revamped front end experience plus a backend overhaul that focuses on the business intelligence side of things. The back office is no less well-presented despite the huge depth of analytics that it contains, and both are fully responsive.

# 16 Strikingly

This website builder you can use to create beautiful websites with templates is not only eye-catching but are also completely responsive and compatible with major mobile platforms. They are also visibly optimized for SEO. You can choose free and paid packages.


With the right website builder, you can create a functional website in very little time to suit your exact purpose, so create your website in 4 easy steps using this guide.

Šta je to SEO ili kako da na pravi način šarmiraš Google

Šta je to SEO ili kako da na pravi način šarmiraš Google

Iako možda ne znate na šta se tačno odnosi termin SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) ili skraćeno optimizacija, verujem da ste za njega već čuli. Takođe, pretpostavljam da biste rado sebe poštedeli rogobatnih termina. Iz tog razloga ovaj blog post započeću onako štreberski, školski, odmah sa definicijom. Ali ne brinite, trudiću se da ne bude suvoparna i dosadna, jer sama to ne volim.


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