Besplatni javni Wi-Fi – Koliko je bezbedno raditi iz kafića

Besplatni javni Wi-Fi – Koliko je bezbedno raditi iz kafića

Kada sledeći put budete radili iz kafića, razmislite koliko ste bezbedni kada samo zatražite loznku od konobara za besplatan pristup internetu. Dok vi pijuckate svoju kafu, vaš lap-top je „igralište“ za zaigrane kradljivce podataka.

Hakovanje Wi-Fi mreže je neverovatno jednostavno, a pristup vašim podacima je dostupniji više nego ikada. Instrukcije kako se to radi su vrlo dostupne na Internetu, pa se vaš „simpatični“ komšija, kojekakve agencije ili ko sve ne može vrlo lako dosetiti i pozabaviti ovim nezakonitim radnjama.


Kako da savladate svoju nemotivisanost

Kako da savladate svoju nemotivisanost

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”
Wayne Dyer

Nekim danima jendostavno ste od ranog jutra super motivisani. Sve vam ide lako, bez muke i velikog napora. Laganim koracima koračate kroz dan. Ništa vam ne pada teško.

Uh, obožavam takve dane, a vi?

Mada, ima i onih dana kada stvari ne stoje baš tako. Bezvoljni ste, a puno je toga pred vama što treba obaviti. Čini vam se kao da vam je na putu postavljen veliki broj prepreka, a na nogama nosite olovo. Svaki korak je usporen, nekad ga je gotovo nemoguće napraviti.

S obzitm da je i meni taj osećaj vrlo poznat, poseglma sam za pronalaženjem načina kako to prevazići. Postala sam u međuvremenu pasionirani gledalac i slušalac videa Brajana Trejsija koji me svaki put iznova oduševi svojim metodama i pozivom na akciju, jer bez akcije nema napretka.

Neke od metoda koje sam isprobala i koje i sama primenjujem kada zapadnem u dane i periode slabe motivisanosti, verovatno mogu pomoći i vama.

# 1 Ne čakajte da se motivacija pojavi i pozove vas na kafu

Probajte da u svakom danu uradite barem nešto koliko god vam to bilo teško. To može biti i odlažak u kratku šetnju od 10-ak minuta koja će vam razbistriti misli, kratko vežbanje joge od 15-ak minuta, slušanje nekog podkasta ili gledanje videa koji vas inspiriše. Ako danas niste baš zadovoljni kako vam protiče dan na poslu, napravite plan za naredni dan ili dva. Ali realan plan. Mali koraci svakog dana čini da se konstantno krećete, i imate osećaj da radite nešto korisno.

# 2 Razlažite sve na delove i njima gradite celinu

Kada zadam sebi neki cilj koji mi se čini ogroman, često sebe zapital da li ću imati dovoljno vremena, snage, energije, znanja, iskustva da ga savladam. Ili, da li uopšte da se upuštam u sve to. Ali, kada ga izdelim na komadiće, projekat podelim da delove, rasporedim po zadacima i danima, sve izgleda drugačije. Koliko god da je na početku izgledao nesavladiv, sada deluje potpuno suprotno.

# 3 Smanjite delovanje ometača fokusa

Analizirajte jedan svoj dan i zapišite šta vam je nepotrebno dugo odvlačilo pažnju, a da pri tome neke važnije stvari niste stigli da završite. Probajte da neke od tih stvari redukujete ili ih potpuno ukinete. Jedna od mojih izazova je bila potreba da sam stalno u toku šta se dešava na Facebooku. To sam rešila tako što sam čekiranje notifikacija i svog news feeda ograničila na 5-10 minuta jednom ujutru i jednom uveče. U danima kada ne radim, to čekiranje radim češće, ali se trudim da ne preterujem.

# 4 Ne ljutite se na sebe kada vam ne ide

Shvatila sam da je potpuno ok, kada mi nije dan. Kada sam bezvoljna i bez elana. Nekada sam se ljutila na sebe, jer mi nije bilo jasno zašto je juče bilo onako, a sada je ovako. Šta se to desilo, pa je došlo do te promene. Ali, prestala sam da se to pitam. Svaki dan je jedinstvena priča i nije vredno da gubim energiju na samoprekor.

# 5 Podsećajte sebe na svrhu onoga što radite

Kada imate manjak motivacije da nešto uradite, uvek se možete vratiti da svrhu i suštinu zašto to radimo. Ako imamo jasne odgovore na to koja je svrha ovoga što radim i zašto to radim, vrlo brzo se vraćamo na pravi kolisek. Svoje odgovore na ova pitanja možete zapisati na stikerima i zalepiti ih na neko vidno mesto kako bi vas podsetili i „ohrabrili“ kada bude bilo potrebno.

Metoda koja je postala deo moje svakodnevice bez obzita da li sam motivisana ili ne je metoda zahvalnosti na svemu što imam i što mi se dešava. Ona je bez premca, pa nema svoj redni broj u ovom tekstu.

Imate li vi neku metodu da mi predložite? Šta vas pokreće kada izostane motivisanosti i elana? OVDE

What it means to front load the hard work early on in your business

What it means to front load the hard work early on in your business


Let’s define what it means to front-load the hard work early on in your business. Front loading is simply researching and planning your business from the beginning so you can ensure that you have a profitable business.

You need a business that is thoughtfully planned out, so you need to know where to expand your financial resources and your energy.


A business that is properly planned out will be kilometers or miles ahead of its competitors.

When we decide to want to create a virtual assistant business, most of us:

  • Come up with the idea to become a VA
  • Write out a list of services
  • Determine the prices of services
  • Build social media profiles
  • Create a website
  • Start promotion.

The right way to start your virtual assistant business is these 3 key steps:

  1. do the service planning,
  2. the target market research and then
  3. the business front loading planning.

Let we see what you’ve learned so far and need to work on:

  • Constricting down your core services
  • Interview/research your target audience

The next step is to create a business plan.

Your target market research will take you weeks. If it takes you a short amount of time, you’re not dedicating enough time to this critical phase of your business building.

You need lots of information from online research to interviews and a notebook full of information so you can analyze the data. The information and data that will come out of your target market research will be a powerful resource for you.

You will be able to see with ease that you need to create services (and later packages) based on your core services to help them with those problems.

Once you’ve done all that front-loading, you’re ready to compile it into your business game plan.

Here’s what is also important to write you down:

Who is your target market?

What are your core services?

Where is your target audience hanging out online/offline?

What marketing strategies will you employ to get in front of your target audience?

How much will you charge for your services?

Will you offer packages, retainer plans, or pay-by-the-hour services?

What are your standard business operation policies?

What you will do, what you will not do, and the costs?

How do you bill for work completed?

How you track your time?

Bonus information for you are:

  • that the most successful places to network and market are on Facebook and LinkedIn
  • if you outsource part of the work to someone else, like another virtual assistant – describe how that works.

Write down your plan for all of the above and add more.

Write everything down in your business plan and this way if you get distracted, you’ll always know what you need to come back to because you’ve done the research, you’ve laid out the plan and you’re able to easily come back to it.

Trust your instincts and your hard work.

You put in a lot of hours of research to get this information so trust the system and trust yourself.

More importantly, don’t over-complicate things. We sometimes tend to make things harder than they need to be.

This business game plan is just a plan between you and no one else. This isn’t a document for clients and the content will and should change over time and that’s perfectly okay.

You need to update your on-going plan because nothing is set in stone. Everything needs modulation as you move forward.

What potential customers see when they click on your Instagram account

What potential customers see when they click on your Instagram account

Do you already have your Instagram account? If you don’t, maybe you should have them because it is one of most popular social media channel and if you are VA or web designer or you making jewelry this is the best way to present your work.

You should know that the first thing that potential customers or clients see when they click on your account, is your bio.

BIO – From this short intro, they need to find out who you are, what you do, and what’s in it for them.

For your first good impression on Instagram, I would like to mention 3 rules for perfect Instagram bio. Let we see.

Rule #1

Pick the picture that clearly describes you and your services or products.

The very first line of your Instagram bio, listed under „Name“ in the editor, is the only searchable line in your bio, other than your @username.

You don’t need to repeat your username or any personal details that people simply aren’t searching for. Use this 30 character line with keywords about your product or service.

Think about what is your ideal audience searching for? 

Make sure that everything describes your product or service as much as possible!

Rule # 2

List your bio in single line bullet points. I suggest you to start each line with an emoticon to break up the text.

People don’t have time to read through-hole info, even if it is only 150 characters long.

Then in the last line write down your contact information or put the link to your website, last blog post, lead page for signing up to your podcast, or webinar.

You can as well use a little hand emoticon pointing to your link.

People need to be told explicitly what to do and why, so don’t be shy. Let them know which is the next step they need to take to find out more.

Rule #3

Use your bio to qualify your audience. This means that in a few seconds you will show people that aren’t your audience that you and they don’t need to waste your own time. But those that are your potential clients will easily realize instantly that you are what they’ve been looking for.

For example, if you’re a business coach you might ask: „Looking for a more successful business?“ or „Would you like to make more money?“

Once you’ve asked your qualifying question, then you should list the key benefits, unique selling points, and highlight stuff about you, your service or products.

And one more thing that I think is important is trying not to focus too much on you, but more what your services or products can do for them.

The importance of home and about page

The importance of home and about page

The main point of having a website for your VA business is to convert visitors into clients.

If you want someone to do something for you, they have to see what’s in it for them.

 What cares about our website visitors?

None of your website visitors cares about you, they care about themselves.

They care about their current problems.

They care about the fact that they don’t have time to spend with their family and friends.

They care that they aren’t making enough money.

They care that things are falling through the cracks on a personal and professional level.

They care about the reason why their work is starting to suffer.

People care about the issues they are facing and you have to be effective at persuading them to do what you want them to do and that is to hire you to make their lives easier. It sometimes looks like they just don’t believe it’s a possibility that some of your suggestions could be a solution to their problems.

How can I persuade anyone? I’m not versed in sales. The truth is that you already know more about persuasion and sales than you think you do.

If you’re not persuasive enough on your home and about page, your website visitor will click off in 3 seconds or less.

So, how do you create a persuasive copy to make sure they don’t bounce?

Let’s go back to your prospect interviews and research. We have here 2 key things:

  1. using the words from the interviews, surveys, data that you’ve collected,
  2. write down the actual language that your target audience is using.

Take the information from your research and create a table in a spreadsheet that contains rows for 3 important points:

Memorable Phrases

What People Want

What People are in Pain With About

Now take those pain points and create content for your website and social media profiles using the exact words and phrases that your target audience is using.

The best way to grab the attention of your website visitor is to include a hero image at the top of your page and include some hero text in that picture that clearly states your value proposition along with a strong call-to-action.

What is a call to action?

A call to action is a line of text that tells the visitor exactly what they should do next.

Notice how the image is the main attraction and there is very little text. It’s just enough text to awaken curiosity and stay on the website to learn more.

I suggest you to not lade your home page up with a ton of content and to not put a hero text inside of the hero image.

Just focus on the value proposition and persuasive headline that sum up what you do and whom you do it for.

Everyone’s goals are different in business but for virtual assistants, you’re selling services. You should set up a prominent button on your homepage that has a strong call to action that gets visitors to click on “my services” button or a „work with me“ button.

We should write persuasive copy on your homepage.

Some of my go-to resources are:

Too many businesses use the about page as a place to talk about themselves but about page is where you go into detail about how you can help others.

The answer to those 3 questions:

What do you do?

How do you do it?

What are the problems you are solving?

Don’t forget that you have 3 seconds to convince them that you can solve their most burning problems.

Tell your visitors what you do and how that special thing you do, explain to them how you can make them happier, richer and more productive and add some personality to the copy.

You must add personality because at the end of the day if you have two virtual assistants offering the exact same services at the same price point, the difference between the two of them is their unique selling proposition. 

People love doing business with other people, humans they can relate to, so show them who you are and how you can help.

Write like you’re having a one-on-one conversation with a friend. It should be personal and in your own voice.

Be yourself, use the words that you use in your day-to-day conversation and you will see that your clients are right in front of you.

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