4 simple steps for creating a profitable VA service packages

4 simple steps for creating a profitable VA service packages

If you have VA business and you are not satisfied with your incomes, ask yourself:

  • Do you want to come up with a pricing strategy that works better for you?
  • Do you want to charge what you are worth?
  • Do you want to work with ideal clients?
  • Do you want to work less and have more freedom and flexibility?

If you answer to any of these questions with „YES,“ maybe you should continue to read this post and learn something about pricing strategy so that you can simplify your VA business and set it up for success.

In reality, there are real frustration and fears about raising rates and believe me, I know that. In this situation, you probably think that client will leave you.

Where to start?

I know that nobody feels confident in charging more and maybe you are not ready jet. Maybe you think that you aren’t an expert or that you aren’t good enough.

If you ask yourself how can I bring more value, you should know that you are the value.

You probably know that VA charge on three different ways based on:

  1. hourly rate
  2. retainer packages (which are built on the block of time, for example, „5-hour package“, „10-hour package“, „20-hour package“)
  3. packages (which are based on value).

If you had a bad experience with the first two strategies like I was, maybe you should try with 3rd strategy or if you already use, if you should try to make it more profitable.

No more tracking time, no more rolling over hours

The changes come when my talking to the client hours doesn’t even come to the conversation. My packages are based only on value, and this is based on approximately 25 hours per week.

This is the difference between what we were working on and what we bill, but since package pricing isn’t based on hours but rather on the value, this doesn’t the end of the conversation with the clients. They are not buying your „5-hour package“ or „20-hour package, account, “ an account every little hour you spending rolling over staff, because that all goes away.

They are not buying your „5-hour package“ or „20-hour package“, and you don’t need to account every little hour you spending rolling over staff, because that all goes away.

Packages do not work if you continue to sell your time instead of selling your value.

Take a look at these four simple steps to creating packages that sell:

  1. Awake your value
  2. Create your packages
  3. Price your packages
  4. Transition your clients.

STEP #1  Awake your value

You need to have a cristal clear idea about your value. It isn’t that easy to know what your value is, so ask your clients. It is also a good way for making better marketing materials. Some great thinks that your clients said about you and sent to you via email and put it in a testimonial page on your website.

Always ask your client to write down something about you and your work and ask to send you a picture.

Ask your client something like: „Can you share with me the value that you get in working with me?“

If you are new, here are some tips:

#1 You have to believe in yourself (you sell value, and your client will have a benefit even it’s just one email or creating one Facebook post)

#2 Have a clear and unique selling point (USP) and a unique value proposition (UVP). You should be specialized in the niche that you work in. Don’t be a generalist VA.

#3 Sell value, not money! Your clients are making a business decision, and as a result, they don’t care about the money they are spending, but about the value, they getting by spending that money.

STEP #2  Creating your packages by bundling up your services

I think that you should know that clients don’t know how long it takes to get things done. They do not!

When a client looks at your package offerings, all they see is one – price.

For example, if you offer a Social Media Services you can offer three packages:

  • Setup Package
  • Maintenance Package
  • Consultation Package.

The Setup package is consist of:

  • 1-hour assessment, social media analysis, marketing plan
  • Custom Twitter background and set up the Facebook business page
  • Optimize LinkedIn page and research best groups, setup Hootsuite account.

All for $559.

The Maintenance Package is consist of:

  • Up to 30 social media updates
  • Answering direct messages and customer services
  • Statistics report

All for $325.

The Consultation Package is consist of:

  • Up to 1-hour consulting call
  • Social media assessment
  • Social media plan.

All for $299.

The point is that clients can see the right package and the price and exactly what they pay for and what will get.

You should never only show the features and not benefits.

For the previous example for social media services the benefits can be:

  • Optimized social media plan = saved effort
  • More targeted followers = more money
  • Automated social media marketing system = saved time and money.

Put the benefits next to your services on your website.


Service packages have number and parameters, such up to 30, X number of this or X number of that.

Support packages are based on the level of support that you are providing to that client. What does in mine? It can be based on the amount of hours that you giving them per month or quarter or per annual. It can be the level of support needed. It can be the expertise that you providing them.

Support packages are best suitable for the clients for those that you are already working with because you already have sense and some knowledge about how you are gonna be working with them.

STEP #3  Price your packages

What can you offer to your clients to pay extra?

It can be just a 1-hour consultation.

Make the „gold package“ and make a transfer your best client from „silver package“ to „gold package“.

Find bellow one simple pricing formula that I use for making the prices for my packages.

Number -> choose a dollar amount for one month (for example $3,000)

Billing -> choose realistic number of billing hours (for example 100)

Number / Billing hours 

$ 3,000 / 100 = $ 30

$ 30 (hr) x 10 (clients) = $ 300 package price

STEP #4  Transitioning clients to packages

Packages don’t have to be all or nothing. If you are perfectly happy working with a particular client hourly or with a retainer package and that arrangement works for both, it’s absolutely no need to change anything.

The key word here is that your arrangement has to work for both of you. Not just for the client.

It’s time to move your clients to the packages arrangement so:

  • give clients as much notice as possible (at least 2 or 3 months)
  • explain how you’re providing to them a solution and how they will have benefit by moving to packages
  • tell them that you’ll be happy continuing to do the work without stopping.

You will lose some clients, but that is normal. Nothing wrong with that. You’ll find the new clients for sure.

Kako da se na kraju stresnog radnog dana ne osećate kao izduvan balon

Kako da se na kraju stresnog radnog dana ne osećate kao izduvan balon

Verovatno su vam poznati oni dani kada jednostavno ne znate gde ćete pre sa poslom. Imate utisak da je sve prioritet. 1.000 je stvari na koje treba da se fokusirate. Rokovi vam „stoje nad glavom“. Neke ranije obaveze već nestrpljivo čekaju da im se posvetite, a one nove su već tu i ne pitaju se koliko ste umorni. Prebukirani.

Uh, inbox je pun, emailovi čekaju da budu pročitani i na njih poslati odgovori. Klijent hoće sastanak što pre.


Može li se prečicama stići do slobodnog vremena?

Može li se prečicama stići do slobodnog vremena?

Verovatno i vi konstantno osećate da vam vreme klizi. Da prolazi kroz prste kao pesak. Da ga stalno još malo nedostaje kako bi se uradilo još ovo i još ovo i još ovo i tako u nedogled.

Iako ne možemo uticati baš na sve okolnosti, ipak je korisno znati po neki trik kako da budemo produktivniji u radu. Kako da ostane više slobodnog vremena naročito ako ste “sam svoj gazda”, pa vaše poslovne obaveze neće niko drugi završiti osim vas samih.

Iako sebe smatram prilično organizovanom osobom, upadam povremeno u zamke izgubljenog vremena. Zaglavim se i tačka. Kako bih se izvukla iz njih trudim se da idem prečicama.

Koje su to prečice za lov na slobodno vreme

Zapiši svoje obaveze

Ako su mi nečiji saveti vezani za dobru organizaciju vremena pomogli onda su to saveti Brajana Trejsija. Koliko god da sam umorna, ili mislim da nemam vremena za to, ipak svoje obaveze pišem unapred. Barem dan ranije. Takođe, trudim se da sam objektivna u planiranju.

Volim notese mada sam veliki fan programa poput Asana. Iako mi je on predviđen za rad sa klijentima, njegov odeljak za “Personal Projects” je moje mesto za planiranje. Može se instalirati i kao aplikacija na telefon radi lakšeg praćenja obaveza. Postoje i drugi Task Management programi kao što su Trello, Kambanchi, MeisterTask ili jednostavno Google kalendar.

Poštuj svoje vreme

Postoje situacije u poslu kada je potrebno odmah reagovati, pa se tada neki planirani zadaci pomeraju za kasnije. Ali, bez obzira na to, poštujem svoje vreme i trudim se da se što više držim plana.

Vreme provedeno na društvenim mrežama (ako ne spada u poslovnu obavezu) trudim se da u toku jednog dana svedem na minimum. Odgovore na mailove obavljam odmah ujutru i na kraju dana. Uvek sam u toku šta me čeka u inboxu, ali odgovaram po prioritetima. Ukoliko mislim da ću upit iz maila brže rešiti razgovorom, to učinim na Skype ili Viber.

Dan počinje od ranog jutra

Testirala sam sebe više puta i ustanovila da mnogo više stvari završim kada ustanem rano ujutru. Neverovatno koliko se toga može završiti do 9h, a dan je faktički tek počeo. Ustajanje vrlo rano mi teže pada u zimskom periodu, ali to nadomešćujem navikom da ustajem uvek u isto vreme.

The Power of NO

Kada god sam prihvatila da radim stvari za koje sam znala da nisu za mene, blokirala sam mogućnosti za one druge. One koje su zapravo My Cup of Tea. Tom blokadom gubila sam dragoceno vreme i energiju.

Kada sam počela da ne prihvatam sve ponude za saradnju, da ne ugađam samo drugima i da odbijam stvari koje ne smatarm korisnim za sebe, primetila sam pozitivne pomake.

I učim i radim

Bez konstantne edukacije nema ni poslovnog napretka, ali i to iziskuje vreme. Na DIDS 2017 konferenciji me je oduševio stručnjak za AdWords, Miroslav Varga, koji je rekao da, bez obzira na veliko iskustvo, svaki dan uči 1-2 sata. Fenomenalno! Time je sve rekao. I da je edukacija neophodna i da je potrebno jasno odrediti vreme za to kao i za sve ostale poslovne obaveze.

Svaki novi dan je novi izazov, ni jedan potpuno isti kao drugi. Iako volim to što radim, slobodno vreme vraća mi snagu. Dok mi rad na zanimljivim projektima daje dobru energiju, snaga tu energiju pokreće. Zato je težnja za balansom nešto čemu bi svi trebalo da težimo.

Autor: Marija Trifunović

Izvor: VA Magazin


Zamenite duge trač partije dobrim networking-om

Zamenite duge trač partije dobrim networking-om

Da li ste se nekada vratili sa poslovnog skupa sa osećajem da ste protraćili svoje vreme?
Koliko vam se puta desilo da ste želeli da nekoga upoznate na poslovnom event-u, a niste znali kako?

Na konferencijama, poslovnim događajima, seminarima, pa i radionicama dešava se da na kafe pauzama mnogi posetioci stoje po strani. Ako malo obratite pažnju, oko nas su ljudi koji se najčešće samo međusobno posmatraju.

Takođe, neretko pričaju samo sa onima koje već poznaju. To su najčešće kolege, saradnici, poznanici. Ne preduzimaju ništa kako bi sklopili nova poznanstva. To ne mora da znači da ne žele da prave nove poslovne kontakte, već da jednostavno ne znaju kako.

Biti ili ne biti na poslovnom skupu

Ukoliko ste razmišljali o tome da u skorije vreme počnete da posećujete poslovne skupove, prvo odgovorite sebi na jedno pitanje:
Da li je networking važan za moj posao?
Ukoliko je odgovor DA, onda se bacite na posao. Istražujte gde bi bilo dobro pojaviti se. Koga tamo možete upoznati.

Naravno da se na konferencije ili seminare pretežno dolazi zbog predavanja i učesnika, ali nije to sve. Zašto ne biste iskoristili priliku za nova poznanstva i nove poslovne saradnje. Ili saznali neke nove informacije koje bi pomogle vašem biznisu.

Kako niko od nas nema vremena za gubljenje, trebalo bi da odlazimo na događaje koji su važni za nas. Zato postavite sebi ova tri pitanja:

  • Da li ja treba da se pojavim na ovom poslovnom skupu?
  • Da li ću propustiti nešto (ili nekoga) ako se ne pojavim?
  • Imam li šta da ponudim?

Tri DA i odluka je pala. Ićićete na taj skup.

Reci mi šta znaš i koga znaš

Bliži se datum zbog koga vaš dan neće biti kao ostali. Da biste maksimalno iskoristili svoje vreme na poslovnom skupu, evo nekoliko saveta koji će vam pomoći:

Pre poslovnog skupa:

  • Jedite kod kuće kako bi pauze bile vreme za networking, a ne za jurenje preostalih baby sendviča,
  • Obucite se prikladno i udobno. Osmehnite se sebi u ogledalo. Biće ovo još jedno dobro iskustvo,
  • Ne zaboravite da ponesete vizitkarte. Kada vam neko zatraži kontakt, one su bolja opcija nego rečenica tipa “Naći ćeš me na Fejsu”. Probajte to da izgovorite nekome kome persirate, pa mi javite utiske,
  • Pripremite se da se predstavite u 30 sekundi, a najviše 2 minuta. Predstavite sebe i svoj proizvod ili uslugu, zbog čega je on dobar i po čemu je jedinstven. Budite koncizni, izbegavajte žargon i pokažite svoj entuzijazam.

Na poslovnom skupu:

  • Dođite ranije i odložite svoje stvari,
  • Osmehujte se, jer osmeh spaja ljude, pa ćete lakše moći da započnete konverzaciju,
  • Zamolite domaćina da vas upozna sa drugima,
  • Nemojte se zadržavati samo sa jednom osobom. Upoznajte ih što više,
  • Čvrsto se rukujte, predstavite se i ponovite ime onog drugog kako biste ga zapamtili,
  • Slušajte sagovornika i pokažite interesovanje,
  • Tražite vizitkarte od osoba sa kojima mislite da možete da ostvarite saradnju.

Posle poslovnog skupa:

  • Pogledajte vizitkarte koje ste dobili i posetite sajtove ispisane na njima. Informišite se malo više o biznisima svojih novih poznanika,
  • U naredna 24 sata pošaljite email osobama sa kojima ste razmenili kontakte. Pokazaćete da ste i dalje zainteresovani, a oni će se lako setiti ko ste,
  • Ukoliko imate konkretne predloge za saradnju, ponudite nekoliko termina za susret ili razgovor,
  • Pitajte ih kako možete da im pomognete.

Svima nam ponekad prija dobra trač partija uz kaficu, ali ona ima trenutni efekat. Razgovori i kontakti koje donosi networking, iako su često mnogo kraći, imaju dugotrajniji i konkretniji efekat. Prilika za to je sve više, a na vama je da ih pametno iskoristite.

Autor: Marija Trifunović

Izvor: VA Magazin

How to be happier at work

How to be happier at work

Many of us were familiar with the symptoms of being overworked and filling that work is related to stress and anxiety.

Is it important for us to be happy and satisfied at work?

Why some of us don’t take steps to reduce the damage it can induce?

How often do we clean our minds and be patient with our fillings?

How important is to take care of our physical health?

Being busy often relate to success, especially when our business is booming. Then we are ready to jump very high with a million colorful balloons. 

But, we’ve wrongly come to accept that overload is OK because being busy indicates stress. Stress can be helpful and motivate but too much and too prolonged stress can be a downward spiral. But chronic stress can be very damaging.

Stress can be motivating and helpful but no too much and no every day, because chronic stress can be extremely damaging.

Here are five tips to stop feeling busy all the time and to clean your mind:

1. Stop multitasking immediately

Multitasking may seem efficient on the surface, but actually, takes more time in the end and involve more mistakes. Some research shows that shifting between tasks can cost as much as 40% of your productive time.

It’s better to use the 80/20 rule – identify the 20% of your tasks that are really effective and do them one at a time. Another good advice is to always start with the most important task first.

2. Never dive straight into work

Many people do the same thing when they turn off morning alarm and wake up. Guess what? Check their email, missed phone calls. Take a deep breath several times, or do 15 minutes meditation. Also, you can do some Yoga before you start your working day.

Don’t procrastinate yesterday’s challenges and tasks, but throwing yourself into work immediately can harm your long-term productivity. 

3. Eliminate the word „busy“ from your vocabulary

Many kinds of research on the psychological aspects of language use explained that the words you use have more power than you think.

What we say „busy“ we don’t recognize the good things and we don’t fill motivation. When we stop describing our lives as „busy“, we can feel less stress.

4. Timely stress management

It’s very important to have „my time“ to:

  • get a good night’s rest,
  • meditate,
  • go to the gym or
  • take a vacation.

All of the above are the parts of your job and your life and put it on your agenda as well as your job tasks. We are more productive when we work from a happy state of mind.

5. If you’re the manager or boss redundant business isn’t a good business model.

The perception that hard work is the only way to rise in a company keeps employees working themselves into illness. Set priorities for all work so your employees can schedule tasks over a reasonable period of time.

We live in a world where we have more and more to do with less time. We’re less able to stand back and think.

When you don’t allow them time to slow down, you not only risk your health but also your business.

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