Linktree – Alatka za Instagram u svojstvu hobotnice

Linktree – Alatka za Instagram u svojstvu hobotnice

Ako koristite Instagram u poslovne svrhe, verujem da već znate da na njemu možete da stavite samo jedan link u odeljak za Bio. Neki smatraju da je to skroz ok, jer na taj način fokus posetilaca vaše Instagram stranice usmeravate na jednu određenu stvar koja je trenutno aktuelna u vašoj ponudi. Drugi, ipak, smatraju da treba da postoji više linkova koji vode ka vašem sadržaju kako bi posetioci ili pratioci mogli da se informišu na više načina, tj. iz više izvora.

Bilo da ste u prvoj ili drugoj grupi, korisno je da znate da postoji Instagram alat koji vam može omogućiti da postavite više linkova u svoj Bio. Kako, zapravo, sve to funkcioniše?

Alatka pod nazivom Linktree vam daje mogućnost da jednim linkom obuhvatite više opcija tj. linkova koji vode ka vašem sadržaju.

Kada otvorite nalog u ovom programu preko vašeg Instagram naloga, tri su glavne stavke koje treba da znate:

  1. Dobijate jedan jedinstven link koji stavljate u svoj bio,
  2. Dajete mogućnost posetiocu da odabere između ponuđenih opcija i
  3. Jednostavno možete formirati opcije za odabir ubacivanjem vaših URL-ova u polja po redosledu koji smatrate da je najbolji.

Kako da u nekoliko koraka uradite sve potrebne postavke

1. Ulogujte se u ovaj program sa podacima za logovanje na Instagram nalog

2. U odeljku Settings odaberite temu koju želite da bude prikazana. Za Pro verziju imate mogućnost da ubacite fotografije kao pozadinu i još dodatnih opcija koje Free verzija ne nudi.

3. U odeljku Links napravite željena polja/dugmiće kojima ćete dati naziv i ubacite URL. U gornjem desnom uglu pomerite kuglicu za aktivaciju polja. Redosled dugmića možete organizovati jednostavnom drag-and-drop varijantom.

4. Pronađite svoj jedinstveni URL koji vam je formirao Linktree, a koji je predviđen da se ubaci u vaš Instagram Bio. Njime obuhvatate sve dugmiće sa URL-ovima koje ste postavili.

5. Ubacite vaš Linktree link u predviđeno polje na vašem Instagram nalogu.


6. Zapamtite sve promene u okviru Instagram naloga i proverite da li radi vaš Linktree link. Kada kliknete na njega trebalo bi da vam se otvori nova stranica sa svim vašim podešavanjima. Moja izgleda ovako, kao jedan od primera.



Sva ova podešavanja su moguća i na mobilnom telefonu i na kompjuteru.

Zašto je korisno imati više ponuđenih opcija

Ukoliko imate višejezični sajt, svoje posetioce ćete lakše moći da usmerite na jezik koji im više odgovara. Takođe, kada posebno želite da izdvojite svoj Landing page za prijavu na Newsletter, to je moguće formiranjem zasebnog dugmića. Super je korisno i kada posetioca želite da brzo dovedete do stranice na kojoj može da preuzme vaš Lead Magnet, da se prijavi na vaš online kurs ili nešto kupi u web shop-u. Ako imate Facebook stranicu, grupu ili profil na nekoj drugoj društvenoj mreži koju biste posebno istakli, možete napraviti dugmić i za to.

Bonus savet: Iako postoji mogućnost da stavite mnogo dugmića, ipak nemojte preterivati sa njihovim brojem. Od 3 do 5 je sasvim optimalan broj, a idealno je da se svi dugmići mogu videti na ekranu bez potrebe za skrolovanjem.

Ovaj program ima svoju besplatnu verziju i plaćenu Pro verziju. Što se tiče besplatne verzije na rasplaganju vam je sve što ste videli u proceduri koju sam objasnila, a plaćena verzija nudi mogućnost više tema, možete da postavite pozadinsku sliku, možete da uklonite logo Linktree brenda, da koristite Google analitiku, retargetiranje preko Facebook pixela i još mnogo toga. Više o tome pronađite OVDE.

Autor: Marija Trifunović

Izvor: VA Magazin


What you should know about Instagram Hashtags

What you should know about Instagram Hashtags

I am absolutely sure that you are familiar with this fact that Instagram is all about Hashtags.

This is the main way that your audience will find your Instagram posts, and for that reason, they are very important to use them right.

I see people making the same mistakes over and over again, but let us see what are the 3 main tricks for correctly using hashtags for your Insta posts.

Trick #1

The max number of hashtags that Instagram allows you to use on each post is more than 30, do you think that is actually necessary to take all that number of hashtags? I know that is important to use them but approximately 10 relevant hashtags are totally satisfactorily to potential clients can find you.

Trick #2

Steering clear of any tags that have been used over 500k times, and any that have been used less than a few thousand times. Avoid hashtags that are very popular, because your posts will be lost in a sea of others. Likewise, pay attention to unpopular hashtags that no one will be searching for them.

Trick #3

Hashtags are a great way of spreading your content, so when posting, always add your caption first and then add your hashtags. This still tags your posts but keeps them hidden from view. It’s a good content and marketing tactics that you can use. Also, You can also use them as parts of sentences that will attract more attention to your text below the image.

Take a look at your last 5 Instagram posts and what are you of the following tactics to use when next time you posted.

10 jednostavnih caka za neodoljiv Instagram nalog

10 jednostavnih caka za neodoljiv Instagram nalog

Verovatno već znate koliko Instagram već duže vreme iz meseca u mesec dobija na popularnosti. Koliko je postao za mnoge podjednako važan kao Facebook ili Twitter. On je društveni mediji preko koga pojedinci i biznisi putem svojih profila i stranica obaveštavaju pratioce o aktivnostima i aktuelnostima. Pregršt je tu slika, slikovnim poruka, citata, obaveštenja.


What potential customers see when they click on your Instagram account

What potential customers see when they click on your Instagram account

Do you already have your Instagram account? If you don’t, maybe you should have them because it is one of most popular social media channel and if you are VA or web designer or you making jewelry this is the best way to present your work.

You should know that the first thing that potential customers or clients see when they click on your account, is your bio.

BIO – From this short intro, they need to find out who you are, what you do, and what’s in it for them.

For your first good impression on Instagram, I would like to mention 3 rules for perfect Instagram bio. Let we see.

Rule #1

Pick the picture that clearly describes you and your services or products.

The very first line of your Instagram bio, listed under „Name“ in the editor, is the only searchable line in your bio, other than your @username.

You don’t need to repeat your username or any personal details that people simply aren’t searching for. Use this 30 character line with keywords about your product or service.

Think about what is your ideal audience searching for? 

Make sure that everything describes your product or service as much as possible!

Rule # 2

List your bio in single line bullet points. I suggest you to start each line with an emoticon to break up the text.

People don’t have time to read through-hole info, even if it is only 150 characters long.

Then in the last line write down your contact information or put the link to your website, last blog post, lead page for signing up to your podcast, or webinar.

You can as well use a little hand emoticon pointing to your link.

People need to be told explicitly what to do and why, so don’t be shy. Let them know which is the next step they need to take to find out more.

Rule #3

Use your bio to qualify your audience. This means that in a few seconds you will show people that aren’t your audience that you and they don’t need to waste your own time. But those that are your potential clients will easily realize instantly that you are what they’ve been looking for.

For example, if you’re a business coach you might ask: „Looking for a more successful business?“ or „Would you like to make more money?“

Once you’ve asked your qualifying question, then you should list the key benefits, unique selling points, and highlight stuff about you, your service or products.

And one more thing that I think is important is trying not to focus too much on you, but more what your services or products can do for them.

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