10 koraka do idealne kućne kancelarije

10 koraka do idealne kućne kancelarije

Rad od kuće daje neverovatan osećaj slobode. Ukoliko ste tek nedavno počeli sa radom od kuće, osvestićete taj osećaj slobode ubrzo i mnooogo će vam prijati.

Ne morate da ustajete ranije kako biste stigli na posao. Jednostavno, vaša kancelarija je udaljena od vas nekoliko koraka koje možete prepešačiti i u sobnim papučama.

Baš vas je briga gde ste juče parkirali auto. Ili kada je red vožnje autobusa koji staju na stanici u blizini vašeg doma. Ne treba ni da pišem o tome da nema potrebe da brinete o odevnim kombinacijama ili kupovini doručka u trku do zgrade u kojoj radite, jer nema šefa koji gleda kada je ko došao na svoje radno mesto.

Možda na prvi pogled deluje nevažno, ali ukoliko radite od kuće, trebalo bi da svoj radni prostor opremite potrebnim stvarima za rad. Pravljenje kućne kancelarije po svojoj meri olakšaće vam rad sa klijentima, a vaša profesionalnost i produktivnost će doći do izražaja.

10 koraka do vaše kućne kancelarije

#1 Radni sto

Na radnom stolu će vam se nalaziti desktop ili laptop računar i ostali uređaji. Takođe, tu je rokovnik, olovke, a njih svakodnevno koristite. Sto bi trebalo da bude dovoljno veliki za sve što vam je potrebno i dovoljno visok da ne osećate bol u rukama i leđima dok radite.

#2 Udobna stolica

Udobna stolica je drugi komad nameštaja čija važnost se često uvidi tek nakon nekoliko godina rada u sedećem položaju. Ukoliko imate mesta u svom radnom prostoru i, naravno, novca nabavite kvalitetnu kancelarijsku stolicu sa udobnim sedalnim delom, naslonom i točkićima.

#3 Samo vaš radni prostor

Ako ste srećnik koji ima odvojenu radnu sobu u svom domu, blago vama! Ako ipak morate da “ukradete” deo prostora od svoje dnevne ili spavaće sobe, kuhinje ili trpezarije taj svoj kutak, ipak, malo izdvojite. Napravite novi razmeštaj ili nabavite paravan. Neka on ima isključivo namenu vašeg radnog prostora.

#4 Računar

Pomenuti računar sa odgovarajućom brzinom procesora i ostalim performansama vam je glavni saveznik u radu. Ukoliko tek planirate da ga kupite za posao, najbolje je da se posavetujete sa prodavcima u prodavnicama računara i računarske opreme. Napomenite im za koje namene vam je potreban i dobićete preporuke, pa će vam tako izbor pri kupovini biti olakšan.

#5 Eksterna memorija

Obezbedite neku eksternu memoriju gde ćete čuvati svoje podatke. Bolje je da budu sačuvani na više mesta. To može biti USB flash memorija ili, još bolje, neki eksterni HUB. Nekim klijentima je važno da znaju da li su njihovi podaci sačuvani kod vas. Naravno, možete uz to koristiti i Cloud varijantu, na primer koristeći GoogleDrive.

#6 Mobilne aplikacije za hitne pozive

Ako radite sa klijentima iz inostranstva trebalo bi da instalirate na svom mobilnom telefonu aplikacije kao što su WhatsApp ili Viber. One su vrlo korisne za eventualne hitne pozive kada niste pri svom računaru. Tu su i Google Hangouts ili Skype aplikacija za telefon. Njih, svakako, možete koristiti i za domaće klijente.

#7 Slušalice sa mikrofonom

Verbalna komunikacija preko Zoom ili Skype programa na kompjuteru (ili telefonu) mnogo je lakša kada imate slušalice sa mikrofonom. Retko je i kod nas i kod klijenta ili saradnika savršena tišina, pa se korišćenjem slušalica sa mikrofonom olakšava razgovor.

#8 Registratori

Ukoliko neka dokumenta čuvate u štampanoj formi, obezbedite registratore radi arhiviranja i preglednije klasifikacije. Ako vam kasnije bude neki papir zatrebao, lakše ćete ga pronaći.

#9 Spiralno ukoričena sveska

Bilo da ste ljubitelj klasičnih rokovnika ili, poput mene, volite aplikacije koje pomažu da se obaveze što bolje isplaniraju, organizuju i završe, korisno je da na svom stolu imate spiralno ukoričenu svesku. Ona vam pomaže da brže napravite zabeleške, a jednostavnija je za upotrebu od recimo, tvrdo koričenih rokovnika ili svezaka.

#10 Sitnice koje olakšavaju posao

Pri ruci imajte olovke, markere, heftalicu, bušač papira i držač za vizit karte. Ukoliko volite da vam nove ideje, motivacione poruke ili rokovi budu uvek vidljivi, evo predloga. Okačite iznad stola belu tablu za pisanje tzv. Whiteboard ili tablu od plute za kačenje papirića.

Vaša kućna kancelarija treba da je, pre svega, funkcionalna, jer posao je posao ma gde ga radili. U radnom okruženju povećaćete svoju produktivnost i lakše ćete se organizovati. Naravno, kada poželite da radite iz obližnjeg kafića, dvorišta ili jednostavno iz svog kreveta, uradite to. Svaka promena dobro dođe, a vaša kućna kancelarija ostaje vaša baza.

Autor: Marija Trifunović

Izvor: VA Magazin


Trikovi za tip-top članak na sajtu

Trikovi za tip-top članak na sajtu

Ukoliko pišete članke za neki blog ili sajt, sigurno znate da taj posao iziskuje poprilično posla dok se ne pritisne dugme za objavu. Koliko vam se puta desilo da ste želeli da napišete tekst, a da jednostavno sve ide nekako teško?

Kao stari voz koji treba da krene. Provera ispravnost voza je obavljena, putnici su ukrcani, mašinovođa je na svom mestu, objavljen je polazak, a voz i dalje stoji. Oseti se trzanje pred polazak, sve izgleda toliko teško i tromo da imate utisak da nikada neće krenuti, a kamoli dobiti ubrzanje. O stižanju do cilja i da ne govorim.


System Recommendations – Building Your Website

System Recommendations – Building Your Website

I check the leading website creators and store builders available on the market for their overall performance.

Below you can find my list of service providers and platforms to create a beautiful website.

# 1 WordPress

WordPress is an online, open-source, website creation tool which I use for about 4 years. It’s a most popular website creation platform with a bigger learning curve but once you know it, you’ll love it. Also, it’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today. Most of the WordPress themes are compatible with mobile devices and some of them are free but some of them you should pay for.

# 2 Squarespace

Squarespace is another one website creation platform with beautiful templates. Building beautiful websites shouldn’t have to be hard with this popular platform.

It offers a diverse range of website designs for different businesses and industries. All the templates are compatible with mobile devices as well and contain high-resolution images and graphics to add further color to your website. Squarespace is a paid application but you can also use its free trial with limited options.

# 3 Wix

Wix is primarily a paid website creation tool but does offer a limited number of features in its free version as well. It’s simple and unique template designs, making it a great way to create eye-catching websites with simple website navigation.

# 4 Weebly

This website platform is also very popular because every template and website design created using Weebly is compatible with mobile devices. You can create websites with Weebly using either your own domain name or a Weebly subdomain.

# 5 SITE123

SITE123 is a perfect solution for a private or a corporate Internet user, offering tools that would spare you of any prior design and coding experience and let you handle it without hiring a professional, also you can start with the free or paid version.

The advanced website platform is ready-made styles and layouts. You should only upload your content, while SITE123 taking care of all the rest, helping you come up with a totally responsive, website SEO, fully adapted to all kinds of devices and screen resolutions.

# 6 Web.com

Web.com has a bigger learning curve. With web.com you can easily create your blog or website getting a free domain name with numerous design templates.

#7 BigCommerce

BigCommerce is a great platform for creating beautiful eCommerce websites with off-the-shelf responsive templates featuring plenty of selling options. BigCommerce has a free trial. Its storefront editor enables you to change your site’s look without coding, while you can also go completely custom using HTML, CSS and other code libraries.

# 8 Shopify

If the website you need to build is an online store, Shopify is a good choice for you. It powers over 325,000 online shops and the pricing plans and features.

There are lots of templates and themes but if you think you might need something more advanced in the future, it’s easy to find an expert to help you. Start with a free trial or find the most convenient monthly package.

# 9 Silex

Silex is the free and open-source, which can be used entirely within the browser and works with you, whatever your skill level. There’s a friendly WYSWIG editor drag and drop interface that you can use to put everything together, with all your changes visible immediately. It’s perfect for building Landing pages and static websites.

With plenty of templates and widgets, both free and paid, to choose for and built-in SEO it’s perfect for small businesses. You should know that Silex won’t host your site.

# 10 Jimdo

If you want to create a website for free with basic options, try with Jimdo. All of its plans offer everything you need to create a good-looking HTML5-powered website, including templates, photo galleries, Google Maps integration, video galleries, social media links and much more… it’s easy to put everything together.

# 11 Webflow

Webflow is a truly simple website creation platform that gives everyone the power to build their perfect website, suited to small businesses, designers, creative professionals, and entrepreneurs. It’s a web design tool, CMS and hosting platform – all in one. You can try with a free trial package.

# 12 BuilderEngine

BuilderEngine is an innovative and flexible platform capable of creating any type of website, giving you the ability to create complex websites very fast with using mobile responsive themes and free updates. it’s perfect for eCommerce websites.

Users can get started with a free trial package, complete with template themes and hosting, then choose add-ons from their constantly updating collections of apps. If you ever get stuck you can also find one-to-one support by using their forums and Ticket Support Systems.

# 13 IM Creator

IM Creator hosts a huge library of stunning website templates. It’s a responsive and friendly website builder, perfect for blogging and eCommerce websites.

You can start using the IM Creator immediately after registering for free.

# 14 Dunked

Dunked provides responsive designs that are Retina-ready and allow you to create a perfect online portfolio and showcase without any coding difficulties. Also, you can choose from a growing collection of professionally designed templates, customizable and easy to use.

# 15 PrestaShop

French startup PrestaShop has an open-source eCommerce website builder with a revamped front end experience plus a backend overhaul that focuses on the business intelligence side of things. The back office is no less well-presented despite the huge depth of analytics that it contains, and both are fully responsive.

# 16 Strikingly

This website builder you can use to create beautiful websites with templates is not only eye-catching but are also completely responsive and compatible with major mobile platforms. They are also visibly optimized for SEO. You can choose free and paid packages.


With the right website builder, you can create a functional website in very little time to suit your exact purpose, so create your website in 4 easy steps using this guide.

4 simple steps for creating a profitable VA service packages

4 simple steps for creating a profitable VA service packages

If you have VA business and you are not satisfied with your incomes, ask yourself:

  • Do you want to come up with a pricing strategy that works better for you?
  • Do you want to charge what you are worth?
  • Do you want to work with ideal clients?
  • Do you want to work less and have more freedom and flexibility?

If you answer to any of these questions with „YES,“ maybe you should continue to read this post and learn something about pricing strategy so that you can simplify your VA business and set it up for success.

In reality, there are real frustration and fears about raising rates and believe me, I know that. In this situation, you probably think that client will leave you.

Where to start?

I know that nobody feels confident in charging more and maybe you are not ready jet. Maybe you think that you aren’t an expert or that you aren’t good enough.

If you ask yourself how can I bring more value, you should know that you are the value.

You probably know that VA charge on three different ways based on:

  1. hourly rate
  2. retainer packages (which are built on the block of time, for example, „5-hour package“, „10-hour package“, „20-hour package“)
  3. packages (which are based on value).

If you had a bad experience with the first two strategies like I was, maybe you should try with 3rd strategy or if you already use, if you should try to make it more profitable.

No more tracking time, no more rolling over hours

The changes come when my talking to the client hours doesn’t even come to the conversation. My packages are based only on value, and this is based on approximately 25 hours per week.

This is the difference between what we were working on and what we bill, but since package pricing isn’t based on hours but rather on the value, this doesn’t the end of the conversation with the clients. They are not buying your „5-hour package“ or „20-hour package, account, “ an account every little hour you spending rolling over staff, because that all goes away.

They are not buying your „5-hour package“ or „20-hour package“, and you don’t need to account every little hour you spending rolling over staff, because that all goes away.

Packages do not work if you continue to sell your time instead of selling your value.

Take a look at these four simple steps to creating packages that sell:

  1. Awake your value
  2. Create your packages
  3. Price your packages
  4. Transition your clients.

STEP #1  Awake your value

You need to have a cristal clear idea about your value. It isn’t that easy to know what your value is, so ask your clients. It is also a good way for making better marketing materials. Some great thinks that your clients said about you and sent to you via email and put it in a testimonial page on your website.

Always ask your client to write down something about you and your work and ask to send you a picture.

Ask your client something like: „Can you share with me the value that you get in working with me?“

If you are new, here are some tips:

#1 You have to believe in yourself (you sell value, and your client will have a benefit even it’s just one email or creating one Facebook post)

#2 Have a clear and unique selling point (USP) and a unique value proposition (UVP). You should be specialized in the niche that you work in. Don’t be a generalist VA.

#3 Sell value, not money! Your clients are making a business decision, and as a result, they don’t care about the money they are spending, but about the value, they getting by spending that money.

STEP #2  Creating your packages by bundling up your services

I think that you should know that clients don’t know how long it takes to get things done. They do not!

When a client looks at your package offerings, all they see is one – price.

For example, if you offer a Social Media Services you can offer three packages:

  • Setup Package
  • Maintenance Package
  • Consultation Package.

The Setup package is consist of:

  • 1-hour assessment, social media analysis, marketing plan
  • Custom Twitter background and set up the Facebook business page
  • Optimize LinkedIn page and research best groups, setup Hootsuite account.

All for $559.

The Maintenance Package is consist of:

  • Up to 30 social media updates
  • Answering direct messages and customer services
  • Statistics report

All for $325.

The Consultation Package is consist of:

  • Up to 1-hour consulting call
  • Social media assessment
  • Social media plan.

All for $299.

The point is that clients can see the right package and the price and exactly what they pay for and what will get.

You should never only show the features and not benefits.

For the previous example for social media services the benefits can be:

  • Optimized social media plan = saved effort
  • More targeted followers = more money
  • Automated social media marketing system = saved time and money.

Put the benefits next to your services on your website.


Service packages have number and parameters, such up to 30, X number of this or X number of that.

Support packages are based on the level of support that you are providing to that client. What does in mine? It can be based on the amount of hours that you giving them per month or quarter or per annual. It can be the level of support needed. It can be the expertise that you providing them.

Support packages are best suitable for the clients for those that you are already working with because you already have sense and some knowledge about how you are gonna be working with them.

STEP #3  Price your packages

What can you offer to your clients to pay extra?

It can be just a 1-hour consultation.

Make the „gold package“ and make a transfer your best client from „silver package“ to „gold package“.

Find bellow one simple pricing formula that I use for making the prices for my packages.

Number -> choose a dollar amount for one month (for example $3,000)

Billing -> choose realistic number of billing hours (for example 100)

Number / Billing hours 

$ 3,000 / 100 = $ 30

$ 30 (hr) x 10 (clients) = $ 300 package price

STEP #4  Transitioning clients to packages

Packages don’t have to be all or nothing. If you are perfectly happy working with a particular client hourly or with a retainer package and that arrangement works for both, it’s absolutely no need to change anything.

The key word here is that your arrangement has to work for both of you. Not just for the client.

It’s time to move your clients to the packages arrangement so:

  • give clients as much notice as possible (at least 2 or 3 months)
  • explain how you’re providing to them a solution and how they will have benefit by moving to packages
  • tell them that you’ll be happy continuing to do the work without stopping.

You will lose some clients, but that is normal. Nothing wrong with that. You’ll find the new clients for sure.

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