Šta je to SEO ili kako da na pravi način šarmiraš Google

Šta je to SEO ili kako da na pravi način šarmiraš Google

Iako možda ne znate na šta se tačno odnosi termin SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) ili skraćeno optimizacija, verujem da ste za njega već čuli. Takođe, pretpostavljam da biste rado sebe poštedeli rogobatnih termina. Iz tog razloga ovaj blog post započeću onako štreberski, školski, odmah sa definicijom. Ali ne brinite, trudiću se da ne bude suvoparna i dosadna, jer sama to ne volim.


What potential customers see when they click on your Instagram account

What potential customers see when they click on your Instagram account

Do you already have your Instagram account? If you don’t, maybe you should have them because it is one of most popular social media channel and if you are VA or web designer or you making jewelry this is the best way to present your work.

You should know that the first thing that potential customers or clients see when they click on your account, is your bio.

BIO – From this short intro, they need to find out who you are, what you do, and what’s in it for them.

For your first good impression on Instagram, I would like to mention 3 rules for perfect Instagram bio. Let we see.

Rule #1

Pick the picture that clearly describes you and your services or products.

The very first line of your Instagram bio, listed under „Name“ in the editor, is the only searchable line in your bio, other than your @username.

You don’t need to repeat your username or any personal details that people simply aren’t searching for. Use this 30 character line with keywords about your product or service.

Think about what is your ideal audience searching for? 

Make sure that everything describes your product or service as much as possible!

Rule # 2

List your bio in single line bullet points. I suggest you to start each line with an emoticon to break up the text.

People don’t have time to read through-hole info, even if it is only 150 characters long.

Then in the last line write down your contact information or put the link to your website, last blog post, lead page for signing up to your podcast, or webinar.

You can as well use a little hand emoticon pointing to your link.

People need to be told explicitly what to do and why, so don’t be shy. Let them know which is the next step they need to take to find out more.

Rule #3

Use your bio to qualify your audience. This means that in a few seconds you will show people that aren’t your audience that you and they don’t need to waste your own time. But those that are your potential clients will easily realize instantly that you are what they’ve been looking for.

For example, if you’re a business coach you might ask: „Looking for a more successful business?“ or „Would you like to make more money?“

Once you’ve asked your qualifying question, then you should list the key benefits, unique selling points, and highlight stuff about you, your service or products.

And one more thing that I think is important is trying not to focus too much on you, but more what your services or products can do for them.

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