5 Social Media Trends for 2017

5 Social Media Trends for 2017

3 Key Challenges:

  1. Organic reach will continue to decline for brend
  2. Pat-to-play will increase as brands in organic reach
  3. With increased investment in social, marketers need to shift away from vanity metrics such es “likes” and “comments”.

2 of the top 3 most-used sources of news and informations are peer-influenced media.

Trends for 2017:

How to get started1

#1 Social usage isn’t slowing.


It’s accelerating, especially as discovery and research tools to find and buy from brands.

Global adoption grows each year.

98% of digital consumers are using social networks.

98% of online consumers (age 16 to 64) globally say they visited or used a social network within the last month.
Digital consumers have an average of almost 8 accounts. This number has more than doubled since 2012.
Facebook remains the top service globally for membership 84% but YouTube maintains a lead for visitors or users 87%..

We were seeing the decline of traditional websites. 1 of 4 people use Mobile App for product research with the highest of growth in APAC.



#2 Social commerce has been hyped before. How to get started2

But recent developments offer new ways to drive revenue from social.

Growth in social commerce:

106% YoY ( year of year) growth in users who have made purchase from WeChat.
42% of North American marketers list social commerce as a key strategic priority.
35% of European marketers marketers list social commerce as a key strategic priority.

New Tactic: Pinterest – FB messenger – Instagram








#3 Dark Social Rising.How to_dark social

Dark social is challenging traditional ways of measuring social ROI. But there are ways to combat it.

82% of content shared on mobile is done through dark social. (Source: RadiumOne)

Growth of Dark Social:

  • 92% of millennials will only share information on Snapchat with close friends
  • 84% of consumers outbound sharing from publishers and marketers websites know takes place via dark social channels such as email and instant messages
  • 70% of all global sharing estimated to be dark social
    (Source: RadiumOne)


How brend are solving dark social?

Adidas explores micro communities on WhatsApp
Time Inc. find a simple way to track social media shares
Burger King embraces dark social activity


#4 Video ignites social advertisingHow to get started2

In 2017 social video advertising will be a key strategic focus.

65% of marketers prioritize social video platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter over traditional web video (Vevo and Youtube)

Source: “The Future of Digital Video”,Trusted Media Brands Inc.

Marketers focus on social video ads:

70% of marketers plan to use social video advertising in the next 12 months (Source: Animato)

65% of marketers will focus on Facebook video advertising in 2017 follow by YouTube at 39% and Instagram at 21,7% (Source:Animato)

41% of marketers say that optimizing paid social ads is a key priority for them (Source: Altimeter).

89% of marketer are considering using live-stream video advertising in the next year. (Source: “The Future of Digital Video”,Trusted Media Brands Inc.)



#5 Organizations turn to connectes workforces

3 workplace trends are converting:

  1. Employee advocacy
  2. Social selling
  3. Training at scale

These trends reflect the changing customer journey.

21% of consumers reports “liking” employee posts – far higher than the average brand post or social ad.

67% of consumers trust recommendations from families and friends.

90% of brands have plans to pursue employee advocacy strategies in 2017

72.6% of salespeople who incorporated social media into their process outperformed their colleagues.

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